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St Michael's Church of England E Primary


Admission Policies



Special educational needs

If your child is undergoing an Education Health and Care Assessment you will still need to complete an application for admission. For further advice contact the Inclusion and Statutory Assessment Service on 01204 338653.

Schools directory (for OFSTED reports and performance tables)

Transferring between Primary Schools

Bolton Council is responsible for co-ordinating admissions into all schools for those families resident within the Bolton Metropolitan Borough. This includes

  • Children wishing to change from one school to another school within the borough
  • Children who have arrived into the borough requiring a school place
  • Children wishing to move from an independent school to a school maintained by the Council
  • Children resident in the borough but requiring admission to a school in another borough

If you live in the area of another local authority then you must make an application through the school admission team for that authority

Is there an application form I need to complete?

The application form that the parents/carers will be required to complete when requesting admission to a new school can be found by clicking this link together with the notes of guidance.

You must ensure your child’s continued attendance at their current school whilst your application is being considered however it is recognised that for families who have moved into Bolton this may not always be possible. You must in such circumstances inform the headteacher at their previous school of the arrangements you are making.