Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Our school SENCOs are:
Mrs R Wright (EYFS - Nursery & Reception)
Mrs R Abbott (KS1 - Year 1 & Year 2)
Mrs Jarvis (KS2 – Year 3 ,4, 5 & 6).
St Michael’s believes that children should be valued as unique individuals and be provided with the necessary support to reach their potential and fully access the National Curriculum.
All children need to achieve a broad and balanced educational development and are entitled to experience success.
Special educational needs may arise at any time during a child’s school career. Specific needs must be quickly identified and appropriate provisions made to address these.
We aim to inform and work closely with parents, encouraging them to be fully involved in helping their child overcome any difficulties.
Each child is an important member of our school community and whenever possible will be involved in decisions concerning their special educational needs provision.
To implement the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.
To ensure that all teachers make appropriate provisions for children with special educational needs thereby enabling them to have full access to the whole curriculum.
To ensure that joint planning and record-keeping takes place amongst all involved.
To ensure the provision of appropriate Individual Education Plans for those children who are identified as requiring SEN support, are in the process of referral or have an Education and Health Care Plan.
To ensure regular assessment and monitoring of progress through both the individual target(s) review process and school wide systems, securing appropriate teaching strategies and target setting.
To maintain good links and regular liaison with other professionals who are involved in meeting the needs of children with SEN e.g. Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support Service, Sensory Support Service, Ladywood Outreach Service and all other involved support agencies.
To establish and maintain a partnership between the school, the child, the home and any involved agencies.
To maintain a register of pupils with SEN which is updated each term (linked to the individual target(s) process) and also as necessary (i.e. If new SEN children are identified.)
Click here for links to other website for Parent support
Bolton Council – Local Offer Home – SEND Local Offer (bolton.gov.uk)
SENDAS (Bolton SEND Assessment Service) - Special educational needs assessment – Bolton Council
Bolton Information and Advisory Service - Home (iasbolton.com)
Bolton Parent Carers Forum - Home - Bolton Parent Carers (boltonparents.org.uk)
Mencap – support for parents and carers of young people - Parents & Carers Support - Learning Disability | Mencap
Click here to view our policies relating to SEN
- Equality Scheme Including Action Plan 2023-27
- Inclusion policy
- S - Disability Equality and Accessibility policy 2024-25
- S - Special Educational Needs policy 2024-25
- S - Supporting Pupils with Health Care Needs In School Policy 2024-26
- S - Supporting Pupils with Health Care Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy 2024-26
- St Michaels CEP SEND offer September 2024 -2025