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St Michael's Church of England E Primary

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

At St Michael’s our intent is to provide all children with the skills and knowledge to support their journey into adulthood in terms of health, wellbeing and understanding of the wider world. Our aim is for our pupils to develop the confidence to communicate with others to nurturing positive relationships within their families, school and wider community. Our role is to help develop their personal identity within the world and to appreciate the value of others and celebrate the differences between people. The development of leadership and team working skills and the ability to listen and empathise with others are further examples of crucial areas covered. Through discussion within lessons we help all of our pupils recognise when they may need support and how to ask for this.

It is important to note that whist PSHE is taught as a discrete subject in its own right, its importance is also taught, applied and embedded across the full curriculum. Through this approach we endeavour to prepare all of our pupils with lifelong skills that will enable them to play an active role as citizens within society.

st michaels pshe curriculum knowledge skills and vocabulary progression map.pdf




PSHE Curriculum Whole School Overview

St Michael’s PSHE teaching and learning follows a question based model approach. The questions are colour coded covering : Health and Wellbeing (green), Relationships (pink) and Living in the Wider World (blue). 

primary pshe education long term overview.pdf


Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Services