Vision and Values
At St Michael’s our Christian foundations shine brightly for all to see, guiding us spiritually, morally, socially and intellectually to become confident, successful and aspirational throughout our lives.
We share, care and learn together as one family, mindful of our Creator, caring for, respecting and valuing each other within our school, our community, our country and around the world.
Our Aims
- To provide a happy, inclusive, well-ordered and caring School family environment in which everyone feels safe, cared for and respected
- To inspire a love of learning
- To provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children that is creative and imaginative
- To develop children’s confidence, self-belief and self-worth
- To treat everyone equally and with respect
- To promote empathy, compassion and caring
- To promote enthusiasm, laughter and fun
- To celebrate achievement
- To encourage our children to search for truth and purpose in life by providing opportunities to develop and grow in a faith or belief by which to live
- To maintain and develop links with the parish, families, other represented faith groups and the community to promote understanding and harmonious relationships
We aim for children:
To respect and value themselves, others, property and the law
To be reflective in their learning, of themselves and of their behaviour
To be imaginative and creative
To be tolerant and patient
To be resilient and able to take risks
To be prepared for the next stage of life and become a well-adjusted, responsible member of society, able to make a positive contribution
To understand the value of words and be confident in interacting and debating with others and have the ability to use words calmly and positively to resolve issues.
To understand the importance of the core values of Love, Peace, Joy, Faithfulness, Goodness, Self-Control, Forgiveness, Gentleness, Kindness and Respect in our daily lives
Vision & Values
We believe that our school vision, mission statement and aims promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Spirituality At St Michael's
St Michael’s CEP stained glass windows